Exercise The Healthy Latina

Excuses We Make Instead of Working Out

Ever have those days where you’re motivated to workout (in theory) and you just can’t seem to get your butt out the door? Like every other Latina in spandex, you’ve probably made a few excuses.

The right mindset can do wonders. Here’s a list of the common excuses and how to combat the workout blues.

I don’t have time

How long were you on Facebook today? Mindlessly clicking through your best friend’s album of beach vacation photos isn’t making your waistline any smaller. Multi-task when you’re working out! On the elliptical? Read a magazine. Have an ipad? Watch your favorite show online. Thanks to technology, you can still get your workout in while enjoying everything social media has to offer.

I just straightened my hair

Hey Chula! Your hair looks just as good up in a bun and curly anyway!! Bring back the 80’s frizz and boost your self-esteem with a quick workout with or without the primping. You’ll want to wear those cute new workout pants you got anyway.

I’m watching the kids

Great! While you’re watching them, they are watching you. Have your kids join in on your workout! You’re teaching them a valuable life lesson that their health is important and exercise is key. Choose something that you all can do together; bike riding, jump-rope or even a game of hop-scotch. Your kids can be a great source of motivation and when the whole family is participating in something you enjoy, everyone wins. You can only hope their interest in health and exercise will continue as they grow based on your great example.

I don’t have a gym membership

Not everyone can afford the outrageous monthly bill for the gym, but if there’s a will to workout, there’s a way to workout. Take a trip to the outdoors and evaluate the type of workout you can do with your surroundings. Brisk walk around the neighborhood? Bleachers at a park for sit-ups and plyometrics? A bench for a tough arm workout using your own body weight? There are so many options, you just have to get creative.

 It’s getting late

The “just before bed” workout can be one of the greatest. You are burning calories while you sleep, so why not get a jump start on it? Deep breathing and yoga can help ease your mind and body into a state of relaxation ready for sleep. If you have insomnia or difficultly sleeping because a million thoughts are running through your mind, a 15 minute meditation session with some slow stretching can be your cure.

 I can’t workout on my lunch break!

All companies are required by law to provide you with a lunch break. Use the 30-60 minutes on the clock as a way to walk off the stress and calories you’ve managed to build up at a desk. Set up a walking path and ask around for a walking buddy. Eventually you’ll have a walking group that will help motivate you and you’ll build closer relationships with your co-workers.

 I don’t have any equipment

Your body is all you need to complete a full workout. Many people make the mistake of underestimating how difficult an exercise program can be while only using your own body weight. Find what works for you and focus on exercises like planks, push-ups, sit-ups, stair-climbers, jumping jacks and hops. While some equipment may be a good investment in the future, you don’t need anything other than yourself for a good workout.

What other excuses do you make? Take some time and reflect on what motivates you to workout and what hinders a workout. A few simple changes may be all you need to switch your mindset and take action.

-The Healthy Latina

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