Exercise Recipes The Healthy Latina

Fitness and Pinterest

If you’ve joined the Pinterest revolution, you understand how important those Saturday morning pinning sessions can be for your wardrobe, DIY projects and your dream wedding planning (that you will forever hide from your novio). If you haven’t discovered the wondrous collection of organized pinning, I highly recommend that you do! Pinterest is a great place to …

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National Nutrition Month via NewLatina.net

I recently wrote an article for NewLatina.net on National Nutrition Month and the six steps you can take to enhance your diet. View the full article on the New Latina website. National Nutrition Month March is National Nutrition Month and this year the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is encouraging Americans to Get Your Plate In Shape and focus on making …

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The Super Bowl fiesta that didn’t ruin your diet

We’ve all been there. Trapped. In the kitchen. Surrounded by delicious calorie packed traps that go straight to your thighs. And sadly, it’s that time of year again. The football loving members of our families have been looking to this day for months and all you can think of is the new dress you bought …

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Healthy eating: Latina style

You are what you eat: gordita edition We’ve all heard the phrase “You are what you eat” as you reach for that extra enchilada smothered in chile and queso, but just because you eat a gordita, doesn’t mean you have to turn into a gordita. Healthy eating is difficult for Latinas because the temptations of …

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Protein/ Proteína

As ladies, we get left out of the protein craze because we’re surrounded by products marketed toward the body-building machismos of the world.  We can easily forget the importance of such an important aspect to our nutrition. What is protein? Protein is essential to maintaining and building muscle and keeping your body healthy. Protein is …

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