Check out my latest post for New Latina on what you need to know about stress and 10 ways to manage your high stress level. We are no stranger to stress. Somehow, that little word has snuck its way into every aspect of our lives and changed the way we handle everything. Can you even remember …
Modifiable health risk behaviors: Part 1
Modifiable health risk behaviors are the behaviors we engage in and we have the power to change. Commercials and advertisements love to scare us with facts and statistics into changing our behaviors. Although common, this isn’t always effective in motivating people to change. Personally, I believe in educating people on all aspects of health and …
National Nutrition Month via
I recently wrote an article for on National Nutrition Month and the six steps you can take to enhance your diet. View the full article on the New Latina website. National Nutrition Month March is National Nutrition Month and this year the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is encouraging Americans to Get Your Plate In Shape and focus on making …
La ciencia del amor
Happy Valentine’s Day Latinas! As you dive into a healthy amount of chocolates, receive gorgeous flowers and gaze deeply into los ojos del su amor, let’s take a minute to find out what the feeling of love really is. What is love? This crazy little thing called “love” is defined in many ways, different for …
Your corazon needs some love
February is National Heart Health Month! While everyone else is out shopping for the perfect gift for their amor, take some time this month to show your own corazon some love. Your heart is the most important muscle in your body to care for and protect. Next time your novio makes your heart skip a …
The Super Bowl fiesta that didn’t ruin your diet
We’ve all been there. Trapped. In the kitchen. Surrounded by delicious calorie packed traps that go straight to your thighs. And sadly, it’s that time of year again. The football loving members of our families have been looking to this day for months and all you can think of is the new dress you bought …
Healthy eating: Latina style
You are what you eat: gordita edition We’ve all heard the phrase “You are what you eat” as you reach for that extra enchilada smothered in chile and queso, but just because you eat a gordita, doesn’t mean you have to turn into a gordita. Healthy eating is difficult for Latinas because the temptations of …
Latinas we love: Sofia Vergara
For anyone who has seen Modern Family, Gloria-or more fondly known as Sofia Vergara- is so easy to love. She has beauty, influence and the strength of a woman who has been through it all. She is truly a health inspiration to women of any culture or region. We love watching her hilarious character on …
Protein/ Proteína
As ladies, we get left out of the protein craze because we’re surrounded by products marketed toward the body-building machismos of the world. We can easily forget the importance of such an important aspect to our nutrition. What is protein? Protein is essential to maintaining and building muscle and keeping your body healthy. Protein is …